Faith Lessons Joey Sandlin

Learn how to stand in Faith to move mountains overcoming addictions, sickness, fears, anxieties and other weaknesses in your life. Joey Sandlin was stricken with Acute Myoblastic Leukemia and given a 10% to live 6 weeks in November of 1985. This began a lifelong journey to know God and to Know Him through the power of His resurrection and obtain the power of Faith to live a life of victory . .

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Sunday Sep 01, 2024

Join us for an inspiring episode where we delve into the power of praise and the importance of trusting in God's divine provision. Drawing from the scriptures, we explore how entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise can transform our circumstances and bring victory in our lives.
Through heartfelt prayers and testimonies, we witness the healing power of God as we take authority over sickness and adversity. With passionate worship, we declare the name of Jesus as our source of power, healing, and life.
Our episode highlights the significance of anointing, consecration, and sanctification in the lives of God's chosen leaders. We discuss the prerequisites for true spiritual leadership and the need for a church that embodies the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Be encouraged by stories of supernatural blessings, divine provision, and the unwavering faith that sustains us through every challenge. Learn how to trust in God's abundance, embrace a lifestyle of gratitude, and experience the transformative power of living a consecrated life.
Don't miss this powerful message of hope, faith, and the boundless blessings that come from trusting in God's provision and walking in His anointing.

The Pursuit of Love and Faith

Thursday Aug 29, 2024

Thursday Aug 29, 2024

In this powerful episode, we dive into the passion and determination of pursuing love and faith. Our speaker shares a personal story of relentless love, driving to see his beloved every lunch break, illustrating that true love involves constant pursuit.Transitioning from personal anecdotes to spiritual guidance, the episode emphasizes the importance of finding a partner who will work, protect, provide, and love. It offers advice to young women on recognizing genuine commitment and the value of a godly partner.The message expands to encourage everyone to pursue God with all their heart. It highlights the transformative power of God's anointing in our lives, urging listeners to focus on the blessings and strength that come from a deep, passionate relationship with God.Join us for a candid discussion on love, faith, and the standards we must uphold to protect our families and communities. Be inspired to chase after God with renewed vigor and experience His anointing in every aspect of your life.Don't miss out on this heartfelt and empowering message!

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

```htmlGood morning, Faith Life. How is everybody this morning? Blessed and highly favored. Amen. Isn't God good? I said, isn't God good? All the time, God is good. He is so good. I am so thankful for His Word, this chock full of promises, exceeding, precious, great promises. That we don't have to fear the things that are coming upon the earth. How many of us, this whole world's rocking and reeling like a drunken sailor on a weekend furlough in San Diego, don't know his name or where his boat's at. Praise God. Praise God, this world don't know which ends up. Right now, all the enemies are gathering around Israel. Praise God, as I sit there and watched that last night, I could just hear it coming up in my spirit. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies oh hallelujah I'm here to tell you when the devil starts pulling his all stops out and starts surrounding you with everything you just need to understand something God's drawing a crowd because he's about to make a miracle out of you he's bringing all your foes in around the table so that he can watch you so that they can watch you sit down and eat thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies my cup runneth over God is about to do a thing I said God is about to do a thing that thing has come to strike fear in your heart that thing that's come to to make you feel threatened make you feel like it's the end make you feel like it's over honey it ain't over it's just starting God is picking a fight and he's using you to do. He uses He uses Red Sea situations to lead you into a box canyon to Pyra, Hyroth and Migdog by the sea with cliffs on both sides and Red Sea in front of you. Praise God. And the enemy coming up the only way out. Oh, hallelujah. Because God wants to show himself mighty and strong. How are you going to know he's the God? With God all things are impossible If you never face an impossible situation How are you going to know he's your healer? Praise God until the doctor stands there and says I don't have anything else for you How are you going to know, praise God, that he's a way maker Until there is more bills and you have money. Oh, hallelujah. I said hallelujah. I said hallelujah. What you think, praise God, is an ambush is a setup. God is preparing, praise God, to make a show of his authority, dominion, and power. The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 that he saved us, that in the ages to come he might show forth the exceeding riches of his grace towards us. God's about to show off, and he's going to use you to do it. This trouble hasn't come to take you under. This trouble came to take you over. Praise God, that wave that looks like it's going to drown you is actually going to push you, praise God, into your greatest blessing. Hallelujah. That tide that looks like it's going to roll you under, honey, it ain't going to roll you under. It's going to take you over. Oh, hallelujah. I said hallelujah. I said hallelujah. I'm here to tell you it drives the devil mad because he understands the power of praise. He understands the power of thanksgiving. He understands, praise God, because he was the archangel of praise in heaven. He knows the power that comes from music and the power that comes from, praise God, the person who lifts up their hands in the midst of their storm and say, God, I'm going to praise you anyhow. I'm hurting, but I'm praising. I'm troubled, but I'm praising, God. Praise God. My mind wants to worry, but I'm praising God. I've got an evil report, but I'm still praising you, God. I know in whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded that you're able to keep me against this day, oh, God. I thank you, God. In the midst of this cancer, I'll praise you. In the midst of this storm, I'll praise you. In the midst of this broken heart, I praise you. Whoa! Music. We better learn how to praise him in the storm. Beaten black and bloody and bruised, Paul and Silas shocked and chained to the inside of the inner prison of the sewage of Philippi. And there at the midnight hour, pray God, they wasn't complaining. They wasn't bawling. They wasn't squalling. They wasn't having a pity party. The Bible says they begin to praise God and sing praises and praise unto his name. If you learn to praise him, ain't no chain going to hold you, baby. If you learn to praise him, ain't no prison going to hold you. If you learn to praise him, ain't no beating going to stop you. If you learn to praise him, praise God, ain't no authority going to keep you. Say with me, I will praise the Lord. I said I will praise the Lord it's not about entertainment it's about getting free you better hear me it's not about entertainment it's about stumping on the devil's end. Music. You know, so many people come to church because they want to be entertained. They think it's a spectator sport. It is not. To those that get it, you realize I'm here. See, this is a depot. When you're in a firefight, you need a depot. It's a place you run into. And say, I'm about out of ammunition. You start throwing the weapons and the ammunition you need. I'm about out. I need some. See, that's what church is supposed to be. I come to get loaded up, filled up, overflowing, anointed, empowered, strengthened, imparted, blessed. And I'm about to go out of here, praise God, and wreak havoc all day, every day, all through the week. I'm gonna make the devil regret the day he ever stopped in my house, All day every day all the time I'm gonna stomp on his head I'm gonna declare the name of Jesus I'm gonna proclaim the promises of God all day every day. I'm going to torment him. Music. Oh hallelujah. Oh hallelujah. I said hallelujah, Y'all may be seated in the presence of God. Well, have you heard COVID's on the rise? Imagine that. COVID's on the rise. And I just want to stand as a pastor of this house and declare not one. Music. But I'm declaring in the spirit. Proverbs 18, 21 says, The power of life and death are in the tongue. Becky and I was in the car yesterday, and I said, You're making your declaration. She said, What declaration? I said, Well, everybody's talking about COVID. I said, You're making your declaration. Every morning, I thank you, God, I'm healed. My immune system's strong. I'm getting stronger. My immune system's strong and getting stronger. I thank you Lord. No COVID gonna touch this body. In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. I plead the blood. I plead the blood. I plead the blood. I plead the blood at 4 AM every morning over this church. That's what I'm praying. Lord, ain't nobody in faith life gonna going to suffer this thing. Right now we have some families that are fighting it. That's the reason it's stirring in my spirit. When you see the enemy approaching, you're supposed to declare. I just want to remind us all. Say it with me. I'm healed. From the top of my head to the soles of my feet. He was wounded for my transgressions. He was bruised for my iniquity. The chastisement of my peace was upon With his stripes I am healed. And he sent his word and healed me. Music. He is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord God, my provider. Exodus 15, 26. Will you put that up there? I'm supposed to be taking an offering, but I got to give you all your prescription this morning. I got to give you a gospel. I got to give you a gospel. I got to give you a vaccination. That does work. That does work. I'm healed. I'm healed. I thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord. We've got several out this morning. They're all healed in Jesus' name. I agree in Jesus' name. Come on, church. If any two shall agree, it's touching anything. If any two. I'm telling you, when the church prays, things change. When the church corporately agrees, things change. John the Baptist lost his head, was placed on a charger because there was nobody to pray for him. Peter was arrested by the same man, had the same intent to be done to him. Peter survived where John the Baptist did not, and you know what the difference was? The church prayed. When the church prays, things happen. It thwarts the enemy. I think we ought to just agree corporately that this COVID thing cannot attack our church. How dare you, devil? How dare you, devil? How dare you, devil? I plead the blood right now. I speak to everybody's immune system. I speak to their lungs. I speak to their immune system. I speak to their blood levels. I declare it in Jesus' name. Praise God that we are people whose immune system is teeming with the life of the Holy Ghost and power and healing. I plead the blood that came from the stripes that he bore on his back that we might be healed. I declare it in Jesus. Music. One I've held on to. Two years ago, three years ago. Joey, you're just a few points away from needing a liver transplant. Well, my body had only carried hepatitis for 40 years. And I didn't know it. Oh, hallelujah. I'm healed. You hear me? I'm healed. I'm healed in Jesus' name. I'm healed in Jesus name the devil is alive the devil is alive the devil is alive the devil is alive the devil is alive I'm healed in Jesus name I'm healed in Jesus my liver is clear and clean and pure my blood levels are pure in Jesus say you're crazy man honey I've been doing this since 1985 healed just Just shout out with me, I'm healed. I'm healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I'm healed. My family's healed. Praise God. That sugar diabetes is gone in Jesus' name. It's gone in Jesus' name. It's gone in Jesus' name. See, we put up with this stuff. We put up with the devil's garbage, and we need to say, stop it. Stop it. I'm healed. I'm healed. Music. I'm healed. And said, if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his commandments and keep his statutes. Music. Is the word of God true? I said, is the word of God true? I will put none of these diseases upon thee. Music. And pressure. I am the Lord that healeth thee. Y'all just throw your hands up and praise him that you're healed this morning. I'll just throw your hands up and praise him that your body is sanctified by the blood of Jesus. Music. Healed. I'm going to be healed. I am healed. I am healed. Not waiting on nothing. I'm declaring my victory this morning, right here, right now. The I am says, I am healed. Music. Coming up. And I wanted, I said, I'm done. I've had this for 15 years and I'm just done because I don't feel any better. I still feel sick while I'm taking my medicine. And my blood test results came back and it was the same. Nothing had changed, but I just kept going. And then one day, a couple of weeks ago, I don't remember what day it was. I woke up for church and I didn't need any breakfast. And the Lord told me, don't take your medicine today. And I was like, okay. and usually when I don't take my medicine I'm tired, I'm worse than I am when I take my medicine, but I went through that day and didn't take it and then Monday came and I didn't take it and then Tuesday came and I didn't take it and I felt better than I have in years and then last week I left my medicine on the counter and I just walked past it and the Lord told me throw it away so I threw my brand new bottle of pills I just got I threw it away and I haven't. Music. Taken one since and I feel great grace. And I thank the Lord for that. There's a legal document called a cease and desist order. See, we need to take the word of God. Just, just any old scripture like this one will do. We need to take it, take the word of God and serve Satan a cease and desist order. See we passively like oh oh I sure hope no no no no no no no no no you break in my home you attack one of my children my wife I'm not going to passively deal with you, can I get a witness you better pray I don't get to my gun oh you're a pastor. Music. You're a man of God I pray for you, when I'm done. I'm serious. Can I get a witness? Honey, sickness and disease comes to rob you. The word disease means to die easily. Did you know that when they say your body is diseased, it means that you're dying easily. No way, baby. No way my livers not disease my blood not disease my lungs are not disease my heart's not disease oh y'all better hear me I'm not dying easily with none of it I'm gonna live a long healthy prosperous life and when it's over I'm gonna. Music. I'm healed. I'm healed. My liver's healed. My colon's healed. My lungs are healed. My heart's healed. My brain's healed. My eyes are healed. Music. Y'all better hear me. No way. I'm not passively going into anything that is less than what God's promised me. He is the I am. Moses said, God, who do I say has sent me? He said, tell them that I am that I am. That means he is and forever will be. I am. I am is healing me right now. I am is healing Ronnie and Bonnie Briggs right now. I am is healing everybody that's been touched with this stupid COVID again. In Jesus' name. Healed in Jesus. Oh hallelujah I'm healed I'm healed I'm healed honey I'm not talking to you about something that I read out of somebody else's book I'm talking about something I've lived my entire life, your body wants to lay down and die and if you let it it'll take you early, but you got to you got to stir yourself up in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, making your declarations, laying hands on your body, and declare that it's healed. Tell your lungs to live. They're healed in Jesus' name. Tell your thyroid to live. It's healed in Jesus' name. Tell your heart to live. It's healed in Jesus. Tell your body you ain't going nowhere. You're healed. Music. Maybe you see that if you got your tithes and offering in hand. You say, what in the world does that have to do with tithes and offering? Just mind the Lord. Just give as God blessed you. If you think that the word that's coming out of my mouth, the word that's going out to 60,000, 60,000 over social media this morning, we're reaching 60,000 souls this morning over all the different platforms that we use. In the next few weeks, what's being recorded right now will be available to 60,000 people. Oh, hallelujah. See, America needs to know. Jesus is still alive and well. He still got our healer. The Lord God, our provider. Provider the lord god our protector he's my everything father lord bless this offering bless it mightily in jesus name bless your people god especially lord those that are suffering from some type of sickness or disease this morning lord let this word be in a word of encouragement and uplifting and strength to them to believe you greater to trust you more to claim your word stronger, make their declarations of life greater over their lives in Jesus' name. And all the church said? Music. Um, this song has been going through my mind for a couple of weeks and all of the only part I knew about it was this ain't no ordinary song. And, you know, I've been battling some situations in my life and, and I, Claire is my jukebox. I can just text her about a song and she'll come in prepared to do that song. And I was listening to the words, this is no ordinary worship. Worship this is no ordinary song Nikki you know what I'm talking about there is a place in worship that we can go to with God. Music. A place where you know you say God I need you more than I need my next breath more than I need my next meal God I need your presence and I don't know what pastor has in mind but I wanted I want Claire and the praise team to do this song and I want to invite you to come to the front of the church and find that secret place with God. You know, in the Bible, God this week was speaking to me about, I give Joey these pills the doctor gives him for his acid reflux. And as I was giving him this pill, God said, You know, there is a scripture for every disease, for every sickness that attacks your body. There is a scripture there is a. Music. Scripture for every disease every healing and it's up to me and you that we find that scripture and I'm going to start studying it and when I get it all ironed out I'm going to pass it out but you know just like there is pills there is a place in God there is a place and I believe that place is in worship where we enter into. Music. Place of contact there's a place of contact where you say this morning this morning standing right here i'm going to get my i'm going to get my victory this morning it changes this morning is my place it's my point of contact where i receive when the woman said that had the issue of blood which he said if i can but touch the hem of his garment i know i'll be made whole what she did was she brought god to a time and place and she said when this happens i received my miracle and you need to have a point of contact this morning and that's what this song is an opportunity for you to draw you a point of contact to say from this point forward i'm healed from this point forward i'm delivered from this point forward i'm free so come on up they're going to sing it again come on up and worship god and leave it right here. Music. You know one of the best friends i had i had something else planned this morning but i'm just going to go with the blow of the spirit this morning god obviously wants to us to focus and talk about healing this morning. Music. One of the best friends i had in this world who's since went home to be with jesus his name was ollie brown ollie was about that tall, if you've ever seen anybody he almost looked like cartoonish he grinned and smiled all the time and he had this laugh that he just laughed all the time his cheeks were rosy. The arteries going to his eyes hardened and closed off and he went blind, Declared blind. Him and his wife, Sister Bernice, they went to Beach Fort Baptist Church. He carried the water p

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

Join us for an inspiring episode as Brother Nick Whitman shares his powerful testimony of transformation from addiction to redemption. This episode captures the essence of faith, miracles, and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ for those battling addiction.
Experience the heartfelt stories of individuals who have found hope and renewal through their faith. Brother Nick's journey, marked by struggle and ultimate triumph, serves as a beacon of hope for anyone seeking change.
Through testimonies, prayers, and powerful preaching, this episode encourages listeners to believe in the miraculous power of faith and to embrace the transformative love of God. Whether you are seeking healing, deliverance, or simply a message of hope, this episode offers a profound reminder that no situation is beyond the reach of divine intervention.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

Join us in this powerful episode as we delve into the transformative power of praise and worship. Guided by the Holy Ghost, we explore the profound impact of praying in the Spirit, invoking angelic intervention, and releasing God's promises in our lives.

Experience a spiritual revival as we uncover the hidden treasures of faith and the supernatural protection that comes from a life dedicated to praising God. Hear inspiring testimonies of healing, deliverance, and the breaking of strongholds through the power of worship.

Witness the fervent prayers and declarations that set the stage for a mighty move of God, aimed at breaking the chains of addiction and restoring lives. Be encouraged by the unwavering faith of believers who stand firm in the face of adversity, trusting in God's unfailing promises.

This episode is a call to action for all who seek a deeper relationship with God and a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Whether you're battling personal struggles or praying for loved ones, this journey through faith, healing, and revival will inspire and uplift your spirit.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a community united in prayer, praise, and the pursuit of God's glory. Tune in and be transformed by the power of God's presence!

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Praise the Lord, Faith Life! Are you ready to delve into the Word and discover the call to action that God has placed upon our lives? This powerful sermon challenges us to examine our faith and our commitment to being soul winners for Christ.
The pastor emphasizes the importance of living a life of active faith, encouraging us to cultivate a relationship with God at home so that we come to church ready to worship and receive the Word. He warns against complacency and the dangers of presumption, urging believers to raise their standards and align with God's purpose.
With scriptural backing, the message confronts the stark choice before us: to be a soul winner or a backslider. The pastor passionately calls for a revival of evangelistic zeal, reminding us that God requires us to be fruitful and to fulfill our purpose by leading others to Christ.
Through anecdotes, biblical references, and a heartfelt plea, this sermon serves as a wake-up call for believers to take their responsibility seriously, to spread the gospel, and to live a life that reflects their commitment to God's mission. Join us as we strive to be soul winners and bring glory to God's kingdom.

Monday Jul 15, 2024

In this episode, Pastor Joey Sandlin dives deep into the significance of being guided by the Spirit of God and anchoring our lives in His Word. Drawing from Romans chapter 8 and other biblical passages, Pastor Joey explains how the chaotic state of the world and the American culture stems from a lack of direction and truth.Through illustrative examples and powerful analogies, such as the water hose illustration, Pastor Joey emphasizes the necessity of restrictions and direction in our lives to harness true power and purpose. He also addresses the current societal issues and personal challenges, urging listeners to live according to the biblical truths and God's guidance.Pastor Joey shares personal testimonies of how immersing oneself in God's Word can lead to physical healing and a transformed life. He invites everyone to join in the journey of faith, promising a life full of strength, peace, and divine purpose when anchored in God's truth.Join us in this enlightening session to understand the importance of living a life led by the Spirit and grounded in the eternal truth of God's Word.

Saturday Jul 13, 2024

Good afternoon, everyone! I'm thrilled to connect with you this Saturday afternoon on Facebook. It's been a busy summer, with Faith Life setting up at the Adams County Fair and preparing for the upcoming Vacation Bible School. If you have children or grandchildren in the West Union or Adams County area, reach out to us for pre-registration. Vacation Bible School will run from Wednesday through Saturday next week.Today, I want to talk about the power of living a life on purpose. Many people live for personal pleasure, but Jesus offers a higher purpose. If we give our lives to Him, He promises us a life beyond our dreams. It's crucial to understand that our lives are purposed in God, and we should live with intention and passion.When God lives in your heart, you will have a driving passion to share the gospel. The greatest evidence of God in your life is the desire to tell others about Jesus. If you find yourself struggling to read the Bible or attend church, it may be a sign that you're not spiritually nourished. Remember, God calls us to share the good news with everyone around us.The world is lost and in need of the gospel. People are looking for answers, comfort, and joy that only Jesus can provide. If you don't know God, seek Him today. If you do know God, give yourself a spiritual checkup. Are you passionate about sharing your faith? Do the people around you know you're a Christian?Join us in living a purpose-driven life, led by the Holy Spirit. Let's share the joy and salvation we have found in Jesus with a world that desperately needs Him.God bless you all, and have a wonderful day!

Monday Jul 08, 2024

In this powerful and stirring episode, we delve into the essence of experiencing the presence of God and the transformative power it brings. The message emphasizes the significance of inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives to overcome life's struggles and find true joy and victory.Through heartfelt prayers and passionate preaching, the episode highlights the importance of living a life filled with the Holy Spirit, urging believers to wake up from spiritual slumber and rekindle their relationship with God. The narrative is enriched with personal testimonies of miraculous healings, divine interventions, and the unwavering faith that leads to breakthroughs.The episode also addresses the pressing need for the church to rise above complacency and become a beacon of hope and deliverance for those battling addiction and spiritual bondage. It calls for a collective commitment to prayer, holiness, and the pursuit of God’s presence, ensuring that the church becomes a sanctuary of divine power and love.Join us as we explore the profound impact of the Holy Spirit and the urgency of living a life dedicated to God’s service, bringing transformation to individuals, families, and communities.

Spiritual Warfare!

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Join us for an enlightening episode centered around the theme of spiritual freedom. This week, we delve deep into what it means to be truly free in Christ, as the Bible says, "Who the Son sets free is free indeed." Discover God's desire for us to live happy, healthy, wealthy, and strong lives, while becoming His ambassadors, mouthpieces, and uplifters in a world filled with darkness and despair.
We also address the importance of breaking free from personal bondage to help others find freedom. This episode kicks off a series on spiritual warfare, where we will expose, discuss, and learn how to deal with devils and evil spirits. From understanding the significance of being filled with the Holy Spirit to recognizing and combating demonic influences, this series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and power to live a victorious life.
Additionally, we highlight upcoming church activities, including our participation in the local fair, where we aim to spread the gospel, offer prayer, and pre-register for Vacation Bible School. Learn how you can get involved and support our mission by volunteering at the fair booth and representing our faith community.
Don't miss the personal testimony of Angela, who shares her powerful journey from severe anxiety and spiritual oppression to complete freedom through prayer and deliverance. Her story underscores the transformative power of God's intervention and the importance of addressing spiritual matters head-on.
Prepare to be inspired and empowered as we navigate the complexities of spiritual warfare and embrace the full armor of God. This is a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and combat the forces of darkness with divine authority.


One Word From God Can Change your Life Forever!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto Salvation. Romans 1:16 This has been an absolute truth in my life that has manifested miracle after miracle through faith in Jesus Christ. Given up to die in 1985 with a diagnosis of AML Leukemia I was given a 10% chance to live six weeks. This began in me a life long journey of learning the principles of faith to deliver me from deaths door unto a live of power and victory. From finding my calling to preach and teach to healing my body to give my wife Becky and I 4 beautiful children. There is nothing that faith in God can not do! So subscribe to this podcast and be enlightened by the spiritual truths that God has given me over 38 years of studying, teaching and preaching. Revelations I simple call Faith Lessons!  

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