Faith Lessons Joey Sandlin

Learn how to stand in Faith to move mountains overcoming addictions, sickness, fears, anxieties and other weaknesses in your life. Joey Sandlin was stricken with Acute Myoblastic Leukemia and given a 10% to live 6 weeks in November of 1985. This began a lifelong journey to know God and to Know Him through the power of His resurrection and obtain the power of Faith to live a life of victory . .

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Thursday Jul 04, 2024

In this stirring episode, Pastor Sean emphasizes the importance of remembering the source of our blessings and staying connected to God. Drawing from biblical passages, he reminds us that it is God who grants us the power to overcome and prosper. The message addresses the spiritual amnesia that can occur when we are either too busy or too blessed to remember who brought us through our hardships.
Pastor Sean passionately calls for a return to the basics of faith, urging the congregation to rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. He critiques modern churches for focusing on material and superficial aspects rather than the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Through personal anecdotes and biblical references, he illustrates the necessity of being filled with the Holy Spirit to live a victorious Christian life.
The episode also highlights the importance of unity and love among believers, encouraging them to focus on what they have in common rather than their differences. Pastor Sean calls for a revival, urging the congregation to be active in their faith by praying, reading the Bible, and sharing the gospel with others. He concludes by stressing the need for the Holy Spirit to empower believers to overcome life's challenges and fulfill their God-given purpose.

Monday Jun 24, 2024

Join us for the Junior Deputy Boot Camp starting Thursday night, designed to bless both volunteers and children. The camp runs from 5 PM to 7:30 PM on Thursday and Friday, and from 11 AM to 2:30 PM on Saturday. Your participation will make a difference in the lives of Adams County youth. Mark your calendars for July, as our Faith Life Worship Team opens at the fairgrounds on Thursday evening at 6 PM, followed by an exciting performance by Stephen McWhorter. Don't miss this inspiring event! Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for July 17th-19th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Additionally, we have a fun-filled day planned at Tracy Park at the end of July or the beginning of August, with more details to come. Faith Life Friends and Family Day will be held on August 17th at Shawnee State Park, Roosevelt Lake, from noon to 5 PM. Bring a dish to share and enjoy a day of fellowship, swimming, boating, and more. Save the date for the Fall Hayride at Miss Melissa's house on September 21st, from 3 PM to 10 PM, with a rain date of October 5th. Our camp meeting is set for October 16th-20th, promising an awesome time of worship and fellowship. Pastor Becky shared a powerful message on expectancy, urging us to prophesy and breathe life into our battles. Remember, God is ready to open your graves and bring you into the land of Israel, so start expecting again and command the devil to flee. Let's continue to praise and acknowledge God's mercy and power. Together, we can overcome any battle and fulfill our calling to win souls. Join us in supporting our evangelistic crusades and making a lasting impact in our community.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Welcome to another installment of Faith Lessons, where we delve into practical teachings that guide us to live successfully as Christians. Discover how to use the tools God has given us—His Word, prayer, and faith—to lead an abundant life, as promised in John 10:10.In this episode, we emphasize the importance of God's faithfulness. Learn how to anchor your life in the Word of God, combat the deceptive tactics of Satan, and stand firm in faith regardless of circumstances. We explore the necessity of declaring God's promises over our lives, believing in their fulfillment, and trusting in God's perfect timing.We also touch on practical aspects of living faithfully, including responsible stewardship, the importance of work, and prioritizing family and relationships according to biblical principles. Discover how to align your life with God's Word and witness His promises manifest in your life.Join us in this faith-building journey and be encouraged to share your thoughts, prayer requests, and experiences as we grow together in Christ. Tune in, comment, and share this episode to help spread the gospel and make a difference in people's lives.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Welcome to another session of Faith Lessons, where we delve into the gospel of Jesus Christ and explore practical teachings on living a life strong in the Word and Spirit of God. Discover how to apply everyday principles from the Bible to achieve the victorious life God has promised.

In this episode, we discuss the importance of embracing the abundant life Jesus offers, as stated in John 10:10, and how God equips us with the tools to fulfill His promises. We emphasize the need for a passionate pursuit of God, studying His Word, and living a disciplined life guided by His Spirit.

We'll explore four key principles for living a victorious Christian life: praying without ceasing, immersing oneself in the Word of God, attending church regularly, and witnessing one's faith. These foundational practices empower believers to overcome life's challenges and temptations.

Join us as we share insights and personal stories to inspire and equip you to live a strong, spirit-filled life. Engage with us, share your thoughts, and let's grow together in faith and victory. God bless you!

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Join Pastor Joey Sandlin in this empowering episode of Faith Lessons, where he shares powerful insights on living victoriously in the Kingdom of God. Pastor Joey dives into the importance of being led by the Holy Spirit, standing firm in faith, and the necessity of daily prayer and Bible study.

He addresses the skillful lies of the enemy that have infiltrated our culture and even the church, emphasizing the need to adhere strictly to God's Word. Pastor Joey also recounts the recent impactful truck bed water baptism service that saw numerous salvations, healings, and deliverances, highlighting the power of God's presence in our lives.

Learn how to discern when to fight and when to ignore distractions, as Pastor Joey provides practical teachings on maintaining peace and overcoming challenges through faith. He also encourages listeners to actively participate in spreading the gospel and staying connected with the Faith Life community across various social media platforms.

Whether you're looking for guidance on handling life's challenges or seeking to deepen your relationship with God, this episode offers valuable lessons on living a victorious and faith-filled life.

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Turning Trials into Triumphs: A Spiritual Journey with Pastor Joey SandlinIn this powerful episode, Pastor Joey Sandlin provides a profound perspective on navigating life's storms with unwavering faith. Through personal stories and biblical teachings, he underscores the importance of seeing challenges not as stumbling blocks but stepping stones to spiritual growth.Listeners will be inspired as Pastor Sandlin, drawing from his own battle with leukemia, provides riveting testimony on the incredible strength and patience that spring from unflinching faith. He highlights the importance of learning from life's challenges and using them as tools for growth.Drawing from the comforting words in Jeremiah 17, the sermon paints a vivid analogy of a tree tapped into an unseen source of strength, demonstrating how we, too, can triumph over adversities by placing our complete trust in God. The importance of standing firm and persisting, despite challenges, is further explored through the story of Shammah.This message encourages listeners to see themselves not as victims, but victors - soldiers equipped for life's battles, ready to claim victory over their problems. The episode underscores the beauty and power of enduring hardship, standing in faith, and above all, keeping God at the center.Embracing Challenges: Navigating the Road to Spiritual VictoryIn this revealing sermon, Pastor Joey Sandlin helps unravel the mystery surrounding the difficulties we encounter in life and their role in shaping us into stronger, more faithful individuals. Drawing from the biblical narrative of Abraham, this profound message highlights the necessity of relentless faith to achieve God's promises.Referencing Romans Chapter 5, the sermon underscores the importance of rejoicing in tribulations knowing that they produce perseverance, character, and hope. Through the analogy of olive oil, it offers an insightful representation of the processes that believers go through in their spiritual journeys, emphasizing that the crushing of challenges is crucial for the anointing of God's Holy Spirit.Delivered with passion and conviction, this empowering discourse reminds believers that they become victors only by facing and overcoming their adversities. It dissuades them from giving up in the face of hardships while encouraging them to stand firm in their faith and see problems as opportunities for growth and eventual victory.Cultivating Trust in God Through Life's TrialsIn this heartfelt episode, Pastor Joey Sandlin guides listeners on a journey of spiritual growth and transformation, emphasizing the importance of trusting in God, especially in times of trial and tribulation. This sermon elaborates on how trials can serve as catalysts for fortifying faith and realigning us closer to God.Appreciating the value of patience and perseverance during difficult times, the speaker encourages us to embrace life’s challenges as opportunities for growth and see them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. Our adversities remind us of our reliance on God, thereby deepening our faith.The speaker underscores that God’s perspective of failure often serves as a stepping stone towards success, and encourages listeners to embrace life's challenges with gratitude, where each problem becomes an opportunity to grow closer to God. This episode serves as a reminder that it's never truly over until God says it's over – reinforcing God's enduring love and faithfulness, even in our hardest times.

Saturday May 18, 2024

In today's enlightening episode of Faith Lessons, our host Joey Sandlin critically examines pressing issues affecting society and the Christian faith. Diving deep into topics like the current struggles experienced in society and within the Christian faith, the influence of media, and gender identity controversies, Sandlin details the seductive dangers that these societal pressures present. The need for a return to biblical teachings and spiritual fortification in the face of societal turmoil is emphasized.Sandlin's passionate critique of societal trends, particularly those that deny absolute truths, highlights controversial issues, and presents an unflinching stance based on the unchanging Word of God. The host places the responsibility for societal disorientation on the Christian church and advocates for a renewed commitment to biblical teachings.This episode further explores the spiritual warfare we face and the role of the Holy Ghost in our Christian journeys. Detailing the hidden workings of demonic forces, Sandlin underscores our innate ability as believers to resist such influences through the power and grace accorded to us by God. Listeners are invited to recognize these influences and counteract them with their faith.In a deep dive into the spiritual conflict between light and darkness, the essential role of religious practices—such as prayer and Scripture adherence—in maintaining the Spirit of God within us is stressed. Drawing analogies between the temptations faced by Jesus and daily human struggles, Sandlin emphasizes the power of God's word to overcome life's tribulations.Throughout the discourse, the need to embody God's spirit in our churches, along with an urgent call to expedite spiritual transformation, are axiomatic. We invite you to join us in this insightful journey as we learn to navigate the tumultuous waters of the contemporary world with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and biblical teachings.

Mustard Seed Faith

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Welcome to another riveting episode of Faith Lessons where we unravel the gospel's transformative secrets. Our mission is to arm you with God's Word, preparing you not only to resist the devil's schemes but also to conquer the fortresses challenging you.In this enlightening episode, we center our discussion around mustard seed faith. We explore faith development from a mustard seed's tiny beginnings to the towering heights of mountain-moving faith. Moreover, we use the teachings from Matthew 13:31, where the Word of God likens the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed, encouraging us to nurture our faith as an assurance that God is moving in our lives.We emphasize that the journey to develop mountain-moving faith begins by understanding how to live on faith. Additionally, we delve into the speaker's personal journey, underscoring the significance of faith in overcoming major life hurdles, from health challenges to financial constraints. In this emotionally charged segment, Pastor Joey shares his intimate experiences of faith and healing. Detailing his journey from a grim health prognosis to faith-fueled recovery, his story is a living testament to the divine power of healing. Additionally, Pastor Joey recounts his trials and triumphs of enduring 14 years of prayer for more children, ultimately rejoicing in the fruits of their steadfast faith.Pastor Joey's powerful testimony serves as a compelling reminder of God’s boundless love and the limitless power of unwavering faith. Be inspired to cultivate your mustard seed faith and prepare to witness divine transformation in your life.

Saturday May 11, 2024

Welcome to a profound episode of Faith Lessons with Joey Salen, guiding you through the transformative power of unity and peace-making. We delve deep into the detrimental effects of strife and gossip, exploring how they impede not only your spiritual progression, but also your health and relationships. Drawing inspirations from 1 Corinthians 1:10, we dissect the essentials of unity for both your Christian path and daily interactions.We aim to enable you to live a life of abundance by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ across various platforms which include YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Apple podcast, and LinkedIn. Each episode is focused on unveiling the spiritual tools to foster peace, unity, and act as a springboard for a victorious, strife-free life.In the ensuing discussion, we confront the pervasive issues of judgment and belittling that plague the faith community. We stress the importance of unity despite minor disagreements, urging listeners to prefer love, understanding, and inclusive fellowship over envy, jealousy, and arrogance.Diving into the heart of true Christianity, we examine the narrative of the prodigal son as a perfect parable of love and acceptance, reflecting how the church should respond to sinners and backsliders without judgment or condemnation. The sermon urges you to embody peace, unity, and humility in a strife-driven world, and to shun arrogance and judgment. It's a profound call to action for followers of Christ to embrace the core essence of Christianity— love.Concluding the episode, we delve into the harmful effects of strife, illustrating how it disrupts peace, disrupts prayers, and taints offerings using the biblical story of Cain and Abel. This thought-provoking episode urges listeners to relinquish strife, adopt a harmonious life, and prepare to reap God's eternal blessings in abundance. Tune in for an enlightening discourse on conquering strife and embracing peace on your faith journey.

Worry Fear Anxiety, Don't Do It!

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

In this engaging episode of 'Faith Lessons', we provide wise insights drawn from God's holy doctrine, designed to reinforce your faith and fortify you in the tumultuous battlefield of life. Amid the escalating stress of life, many people are at their wits' end, responding unfavourably to unimportant matters. In this context, we advocate the need for peace, similar to the tranquility enjoyed by children, encouraging believers to live with the assurance of God's provision and care.Emphasizing the significance of daily devotion to God, understanding His message, and regular church attendance, we invite peace and tranquility into your life. Referencing Isaiah 26:3-4, we reflect on God's promise of unshaken peace for those whose minds are steadfast in Him. We suggest the best response to worry, distress, and fear, is to immerse yourself in God and His teachings, clearing your mind of worry and filling it instead with faith.This episode culminates by restating the crucial role of faith and trust in God's omniscience. By doing this, we can mitigate life's pressures and replace them with a fulfilling spiritual life brimming with God's presence. Join us and immerse yourself in this liberating message that could free you from the chains of anxiety, worry, and distress.We delve into how believers can triumph in their Christian journey, defeating common foes like fear, anxiety, and distress. We investigate the dangers of focusing on human dilemmas rather than tapping into God's divine power. Our discourse directs your attention towards constructing solid faith and establishing a profound connection with God.We scrutinize the destructive effects of fear, anxiety, and distress on our spiritual development, stressing the need to direct worries towards prayers and faith. Furthermore, we highlight the power of affirming positive statements in our lives, declaring prosperity, peace, health, and strength.Our episode underlines the importance of fostering gratitude, rejoicing amidst adversities and surrendering all worries to God. Through this, we invite God's influence in our lives, replacing fear and anxiety with divine peace and prosperity. Exploring these invaluable lessons aids in overcoming anxiety, finding joy in adversity, promoting faith over worry, and prioritizing love over fear, offering a victorious Christian walk.In this transformative episode, understand the influential concept of faith and how it plays in shaping our future. The speaker challenges the concept of "luck" and introduces the power of the words we speak in making major life decisions. He encourages surrendering our worries and anxieties to God, focusing instead on the abundant blessings He provides. This leaves listeners with a powerful realization: a shift in perspective from the problem to the solution, can lead to a life marked by blessings, fulfillment, and unwavering faith.


One Word From God Can Change your Life Forever!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto Salvation. Romans 1:16 This has been an absolute truth in my life that has manifested miracle after miracle through faith in Jesus Christ. Given up to die in 1985 with a diagnosis of AML Leukemia I was given a 10% chance to live six weeks. This began in me a life long journey of learning the principles of faith to deliver me from deaths door unto a live of power and victory. From finding my calling to preach and teach to healing my body to give my wife Becky and I 4 beautiful children. There is nothing that faith in God can not do! So subscribe to this podcast and be enlightened by the spiritual truths that God has given me over 38 years of studying, teaching and preaching. Revelations I simple call Faith Lessons!  

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